March 12, 2009

Thursday Foodblog day - lentils and lemons

So, got the camera connected and uploaded some pics.

As previously stated we're not eating "meat" right now and here's a dinner from last week. Red Lentil "Bolognaise"

Also, I made lemon honey aka lemon curd in the slow cooker. I used the same ingredients as in Edmond's but I used the method outlined in the Joan Bishop Slowcooker book.

One jar is for Evie, one is for Bean and the mini-jar and one other is for me. I have it for breakfast stirred into my yogurt. Mmm :) I'll be making some more when I run out again if you want to bags a jar? I'm so happy with myself this time as I did my jar sterilising all properly and the lids popped down and everything! I'll be making some lemon cordial in the next week of so if you want in on that too. Margie and Bean have already bagsied a bottle each, but I probably have another one going.

I love my lemon stuff because I have delightful friends with lemon trees so the largest cost item is free. Yay! I'm looking forward to feijoa season. Want to try making chutney, jam/jelly and bottled feijoas!

Also, I am finally growing my own food. So far I have on likely looking tomato. If you look hard you might spot it.

Point of Fashion: Warm if casual
Current Obsession: Want to go shopping

Posted by giffy at March 12, 2009 05:59 PM | TrackBack