July 04, 2004


Am in Christchurch and am safe and cold. Conference starts this afternoon. Human Body guy is speaking this afternoon too. Yay. There are plans to go to Wanaka later on in the week. Must see phreq to give her present altho unfortunately no Ma Higgins. I was sick so didn't get out of house to get for you sorry!

On Friday got text from Blondie and our flat is too loud for her and she would like to look for new place for her. I new she was too good for us. Blondie is an awesome flatmate but the rest of us are too into singstar and anime for her I think. Anyway when I left I was lining up a new flatmate for us so that when I come back the changeover should have occured. Cna anyone guess who it is???

Posted by giffy at July 4, 2004 01:12 PM | TrackBack