August 10, 2008

Crookshanks gets a home!

Ok, so it was always on the cards I wouldn't stay away from the cats forever, wasn't it? I've started back helping out with one evening feed a week, and it's been lovely to see the cats again. Tho sad too, to see cats that have been at the shelter for a fairly long time that are still there, waiting for someone to see how wonderful they are and give them a new home.

One that I was particularly disappointed to see still there was Crookshanks.

Crookie came to us over a year ago when his family had a new baby on the way and were concerned he would hurt it. He's a fiesty, very independent cat who doesn't tolerate fools and they didn't feel that a wee one would be safe with him.

Crookie found the experience of being in the multi-cat environment in the shelter not particularly pleasant, as he's definitely an "only cat" sorta guy, so had become rather withdrawn recently. Unfortunately that doesn't help when people come into the shelter to look at adopting a cat! So you can imagine how pleased we were when last weekend a very nice guy, who'd been looking for a good couple of hours finally got to meet the boy and fell in love with him.

I got an update from H this morning, and Crookie is doing just great in his new home. He's claimed a spot on the bed and is happily bobbing in and out of the cat door. His new family think he's wonderful and by all accounts the feeling is mutual.

We all fervently hope we never have to see Crookshanks again! (In the nicest possible way of course).

Posted by Kris at 06:28 AM | Comments (3)

August 04, 2008

Final Score!

Einstein the Rat 302, Kris 1.

But it's the one that counts :o)

Posted by Kris at 05:29 AM | Comments (0)