May 12, 2005

should i stay or should i go?

Good news and bad news. Good news is that my Dad's report from the hospital was better than it could have been - he's still in for some uncomfortable surgery, but if there aren't any rogue cells then he could get away without radiation therapy.

Bad news is that jobhunting the last couple of weeks hasn't gone too well. There was a bit of black comedy relief when yesterday I got offered another door to door sales job selling broadband - supposedly easy work as it's a free (govt subsidised) service that people would have no reason to refuse. But then the punchline was that this morning the job fell through. Bloody sales people - can't trust them at all.

I've joined three temp agencies so far and have a fourth to visit this afternoon. I got good marks on my tests - scored in the company's 80th percentile for Word, 95th for Excel and 80th for Powerpoint, and my typing speed was 59wpm. I thought I could do better than that though and went back to resit the test - got 64wpm. And I sorted out my tax file number finally (took a visit in person to the tax office), my references came through OK and everything's all good. Just a deafening silence with actual work offers though.

Other than that I've been faithfully sending off job applications, checking the noticeboards, looking on the net etc. There is a steady trickle of letters coming back to me, saying 'Dear Applicant - we have received an overwhelming response to this vacancy blah blah blah'.

It's getting frustrating.

Since I shelled out $72 for a Nick Cave ticket I'll stay around for the gig next Friday, but if there's no work by then I'm seriously considering cutting my losses and getting on a plane back to Wellington. That would be a shame though, and what if I got stuck there for another six years? It could do my head in for good.

In other news I caught up with Fran Mountfort (talented Wellington cellist) who's now relocated here after touring Europe with mr sterile. Good to have another friend here. She seemed interested in my idea of starting a record label. Since my big goal in life is to get my music out to a wider audience, and it's an uphill battle going it alone, how about we get a few of us to join forces? Me, Fran, Damian, Nigel from the Chandeliers, Simon O'Rorke etc? Ascension Band was a good group experience anyway, seemed to have its own momentum. Still have to work out the details but surely it's a good idea in principle?

[Update: Fri 13th]

There are 'now hiring' signs in the windows of the neighbourhood McDonalds and KFC. Obviously a cosmic joke at my expense. How low would I be willing to go to avoid getting on a plane back home? Y'know, Wellington's not that bad really...

Posted by fiffdimension at May 12, 2005 03:08 PM | TrackBack
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