September 21, 2004


Mills was almost serviced by a large Rottweiler yesterday when out for a bathroom break. I don't think I'll mention the episode to Deb...

I am babysitting Alex at the moment, I fear perhaps a little haphazardly. I'm really feeling crummy with flu, but Mel was stuck and it's not like babysitting Alex is arduous. I'm just kind of fuzzy... loud crashing sounds and cries of "Yeah! Good one!" took a couple of minutes to register and that's never a good thing :)

I just read "All Quiet on the Western Front", which has been on my list for years. It was good, but probably would have had far more of a shocking impact on people when it was first published. I guess the strange thing is that even the knowledge of the horror of war doesn't stop more wars and bizarre rationalisations for sending people off to die.

Posted by phreq at September 21, 2004 10:41 AM | TrackBack

wierd, I just posted and the title of my post was based on 'all quiet on the western front'. which i have not read... hmmm.

remind me who's alex? Give Millie a hug for me :)

Posted by: sok at September 21, 2004 12:22 PM

Dogs are crazy! My friend Tina is currently visiting with us and then she will be driving back to Chch. I will give her things for you! This time you SHALL get Ma Higgens Fudge!

Posted by: giffy at September 22, 2004 12:31 PM

Alex is Mel and Leon's son... :) *hug* and no doubt a sloppy kiss back from mills!

... mmmm ... fudge...

Posted by: phreq at September 27, 2004 10:17 AM


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