July 21, 2006

timeouts on comments

I'm starting to get comfortable with the amount of spam (or at least better at junking it).

So I'm finally getting around to other things.

mt has a plugin which will turn of comments on all posts over x days old. Toni has indicated interest. Suraya could have done with it a couple of months ago (sorry!). How about everyone else?

I'm still investigating drupal as an option. And it is showing some promise. I guess we'll see how it goes over the weekend.

Posted by carla at July 21, 2006 11:46 PM | TrackBack

Yep, I'd like comments turned off on anything more than two weeks old on talula, please.

On another note, I had a couple of ordinary comments on my latest entry which don't seem to be showing up. I got emails, so I know they were there!

Posted by: Jenni at July 30, 2006 01:11 PM