May 05, 2014

April and ANZAC day

Well, it was April in 1914, unsurprisingly. And also, unsurprisingly, there was no mention of ANZAC day. They were mostly busy dealing with Hokitika being in danger of falling into the sea, and mayoral elections. They are also excited about the territorials having a camp at Takapau (they went there on the train). It's reported in a style much like the Tararua Tramping Club reports of the wetter tramping expeditions. Or like some grown-up scout jamboree. It's pretty awful to read really.

The coroner's inquest into the Upper Hutt explosion has been completed, and covered extensively in the papers. Apparently they regularly sold gelignite sticks, but didn't have any on the premises when the fire started.

I've been wondering for a while where St Thomas's church was in Newtown. They advertise kinematographs in their church hall and I was mystified about where it might be. I finally noticed there is still a St Thomas chapel on Riddiford St. It looks like a rather nice old wooden building in this old photo, so I'm a bit sad they appear to have knocked it down to put in the McDonald's. We've also lost this rather grand little building, the Star Cinema.

The mayoral elections were more cheerful. Karori elected a new mayor with only 110 out of 307 total votes cast. Onslow had much the same turnout. Wellington City returned J. P. Luke with a reasonable majority of a good turnout of approx 50% of eligible voters.

Posted by carla at May 5, 2014 10:35 PM