May 17, 2009

haere ra princess, haere ra

I feel like I've read a fair few blogs recently where the blogger has been caught up with other things. Well, that includes me. My grandmother died on April 2nd. She's my mum's mum, and while I owe all sorts of excellent qualities and considerable cultural factors to other relatives, my granny is the one I feel gave me the deepest and best lessons. She showed me very well that you can live a simple life which honours beauty and achieves considerable ethical standards without constantly harrying yourself. She was wise, gracious, funny and loving and I feel very lucky to have had her as not only one of my grandparents, but also as the grandparent I saw most often.

As my mum said just before her funeral, I think I'll find more and more to be grateful for in her influence in my life as I get older. So, Haere ra princess, haere ra. God bless you and keep you safe.

Posted by carla at May 17, 2009 02:37 PM
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