July 25, 2006


It's great when a movie you've been anticipating turns out to be even better than you thought it would.

A Scanner Darkly is a brilliant movie. It's funny, it's cool, it's weird, it's a mystery and it challenges you. Lee complained (and Rachel mentioned also) they thought it was slow paced. I disagree, although admit I usually have more patience for slow paced movies when I feel it's justified, (case in point: Travellers and Magicians.) Also, I just love watching rotoscope animation, it's so lush and strange and real. (Oh and Rachel, in Linklater's movies the rotoscoping is digitally done, although in the past it's been hand painted. Wikipedia.)

I liked the movie a lot, is what I'm trying to say.
Great script, Keanu doing the best he can, Robert Downey Jr and Woody Harrelson as weird ass stoners, Winona Ryder also awesome. Plus it was an enigma. One of those movies where you see things and think "Oh, that's important. Now *why* is it important?"

I didn't find the twists surprising, but maybe that's because I was thinking so hard about all the clues? I dunno. Maybe my super power is twist prediction now?

Best quote: Barris: There's only one thing we can do to thwart the plot of these albino shape-shifting lizard BITCHES!

I just showed the superhero film to some workmates and it went down very well indeed. I am looking forward to seeing later versions!

PoF: Queen of Grey and Black stripes
CO: shopping this afternoon

Posted by jenni at July 25, 2006 11:39 AM