January 23, 2006

Kapcon 15

Here it is. My annual summary of What I Did At Kapcon. Previous Kapcon: 13 and 14.

Saturday morning started well with Conan's wonderful Flight of the Aristola a sort of swashbuckling pulp fantasy adventure. I played Rand who was essentially Indiana Jones and man, it was awesome fun. Our group was on our way home from the epid tomb raiding adventure when the luxury cruise aircraft came under attack. My character was very much a take-charge type so I was blundering all over the place and yelling at people. Nick was playing a Bad Ass Loner Who Plays By His Own Rules (tm) and was very funny with it. Star was a kind of elven mage, Giffy played a noble fighter lady a la House of Flying Daggers and Jarrod played a grumpy Shadow Mage. I loved this game. I loved it to bits. (I just love to play the heroic male, I can't help it.)

Jenni: my secret is the best because it gives me a sub machine gun.

Nick (on impending danger)"Sometimes all you can do is watch." and then later "Is the time for watching over?"

Rand, accosting a hijacker in crew uniform:"What's the Captain's name?"
'Crew' member:" The captain's name...is...NOW!" (hidden warriors attack)

Second round I ran my Mean Girls game I Know, Right? Unfortunately I don't think I explained game play well enough at the start and it was a bit slow to pick up. There were almost no social conflicts in the first half and it almost fel tlike another playtest. I'm blaming myself for this, because I was sligtly late to arrive and somewhat fixated on my lunch. I should have done better. The players were all charmingly good teenage girls though, and Cat really got into the Queen Bee role. They also came up with some scary rules for their clique like they pxt each other outfits for approval the night before school and all have to match.

They also had some fun demurring from compliments. e.g. "Oh this outfit? It's just something I threw on this morning." and (ooc) "That boyfriend? I just picked him up from the side of the road" Other funny quotes..

Kelly: "I didn't know Valerie could read!"

Arizona: "You look awful. But not in THAT way or anything."

Amy: "You've used a pregnancy tester?"
Arizona: "I've totally seen one."

Kelly: "We Owned dodge ball!"

Then in third round I played in Morgue's A State game Dangers on a Train. This was a very stressful game. In it we played elite flying squad team members who've been busted down to checking tickets on a train because too many people are off sick. It was awful dealing with all the annoying train riders and fighting amongst ourselves. It got even worse when an Inspector came on to check up on us. My quotes for this may not make much sense, but I'll stick 'em here anyway because it's funny to me.

Garelock (re: Pease, another player's character): "That sounds like a great idea - it'll get me away from the smell of booze."

Some kid:" My Dad's way tougher than you!"
Cruden: "You know who your Dad is? Good for you!"

Morgue: "She catches your eye, of course she does. She's not THAT ugly."

Pease: "she's got cast iron balls that woman"
Jenni (ooc): "I do?"

Garelock: "We don't waste paper in the militia"
Pease: "We just waste losers"

After that it was the LARP. I had so much fun at the LARP I can't really explain it. I loved my character so much and I had so much fun dropping subtle hints all night to people. My character was Artemisia Blastside, lifted from the book Piratica by Tanith Lee. She was a well bred noble lady, until after a stellar season rejecting 12 suitors her parents told her to settle down. In a fit of pique she went to a low tavern and gambled all her money. Instead of losing it all she won a ship which she painted black and used for piracy. She convinced her parents she was at a finishing school in Paris and when she wasn't in London for the social season she was out marauding. Awesome.

I pretty much spent the evening talking to everyone in the upstairs party. I was frightened to go to the downstairs party after someone told me everyone was talking about Piratica down there. My main goal for the night (which I added to the character sheet mentally) was not to be arrested, so I didn't dare go down where people might suspect. As it was I never ran out of people to talk to and I had a grand evening. It was such a pretty LARP with everyone going all out with costumes. I have some wonderful pictures.



Nick's Cowboy Bebop game in which I was allowed to play Ed. Giffy played Faye, Jarrod played Spike and Norm played Jet. It was so evocative of the series it was almost like being immersed in it. I really enjoyed the multi-media aspect of it too, with music and images provided on call.

Nick (on flying through hyperspace): "Effectively it's like flying through regular space except there's yellow things flying past."

Faye: "More important than everyone else being hungry, I'm hungry! It takes food to look this good!"

Spike (to another spaceship): "Pull over! Have you got any hambugers?"

Jet: "Anything in there Spike?"
Spike: "me"

Nick: "He's still awake, he's like 'Oh my head!' Then you punch him in the head."

Nick on who will Spike chase after? "The girl's not worth a hundred million. But she is a girl. But not worth a hundred million."

Spike (on the last time they fought): I was just going easy on you because your blind"
Giffy (ooc): "I'm still blind!"

After a delicious lumch of meatball subway I ran I Know, Right?" again. This time I feel like I explained everything better (although evidently not the diary chair, since no one used it for ages) and it seemed to run more naturally. These players were super-inventive making up new characters and improvising all over the place.

Val (the Queen Bee): I think your earrings would look good on me."

Val: "I would never had done well if you hadn't told me how to do that stats question"
Sakura: "well, you thought to text me first".

Kelly (explaining her boyfriend's cold behaviour": He's sick he doesn't want to pass anything on.
Sakura:" He's got an STD?!?"

Arizona-Rose: "What about a fall of the Roman Empire theme?"
Amy: " we could all dress as female gladiators!"

Amy: "What's chiarascuro?"
Val (knowingly): "Something really artsy."

Sakura (on her emo arty boyfriend): "He gets really into everything. He's like a lone wolf"
Amy: So doesn't he have any friends?"
Sak: "No he has people who respect him. I think I'm the only person he opens up to."

Kelly: "I'm never leaving my house again!"
Sak: "What's wrong, you sound upset."

After that I did a lot of chatting to people about how my gane went, although by this time my voice was feeling mighty scratchy and all Sunday in fact I had that dry mouth that usually comes with a hangover. Then it was prize giving. Lots of my friends won prizes, including J winning best player at the LARP and Steve recieving the grand prize of Best GM! Yay Hix! I managed to get second place in the Scenario Design Contest for I know, Right? which I am mighty chuffed about. My prize was a Pound 'o' Dice which I love to bits.

For the last round I bullied Dale into running played in Dale's Mutants and Masterminds (superheroes) game November Falling which is a sequel to the one he ran last year and I loved. We had an awesomely fun group of Luke (Captain Hope), Matt (Daniel Hope), Debz (Zia the Magnificent), Nick (Salvo) and Morgue (Ground Zero). I played Professor Eternity again. So much love. We were in a wedding rehearsal for Captain Hope's wedding to Eternity when four mega alerts came through for us to deal with. Matt was playing our child Daniel with lots of enthusiasm and the game actually turned into some fearsome character drama. I especially loved the scene where everyone except me was affected by various emotions from a shadow magic woman and I had to try and calm everyone down. I actually ran around the table to get between Hope and Zero.

Captain Hope answers the phone: "Captain Hope! Bringing hope to the hopeless!"

Cpt Hope (after a fight with Ground Zero) "Don't mention that name down my phone line!"

Ground Zero: "while they're away on honeymoon we'll need an acting leader! Let's hear from her now."
Zia: "OK! (beat) This isn't as fun as I'd imagined.

Cpt Hope: "Zero, I was bad to you."

Yeah, that's it. I'm pretty wiped but I did get a good sleep last night so that's something. My mouth still feels all dry and stuff though.

Posted by jenni at January 23, 2006 10:33 AM