January 25, 2005

Shameless promotion of my friends.

So...I added a coupla links yesterday. Here's the official advertisement so you go and look at 'em.

My mate Steve. He comments on here as hix, you may have "seen him around". His blog is full on incredible inseider information about writing for TV and movies. He also does a lot of writing about movies he's seen and roleplaying games stuff. He's smart, he's one of my Gamer Boyz. Go read his stuff.

He'll link you pretty fast to the forge, but since I joined it and forgot to go back, I thought I'd link you there too. It's an Indie rpg community with lots of neat stuff. My favourite area is the actual play reports thread. It's here.

While I'm at it (and being read by a bunch of roleplayers) you should also have a look at these people who were at Kapcon. My Be Fri Giffy. She writes about all sorts of life things, much like me.

Svend who won the best single game GM award for Operation Icebox, and writes about how he's just bought a house and roleplaying and stuff.

Matt and Debbie who are funtastic people. We won the cosplay competition last year together and they are thusly very awesome. They were in my playtest of Matchmaking and Machinations.
Matt also says I have to go back to Kapcon, so I guess I will. *Sigh*.

Once you're through all that, you should just go ahead and check out the rest of my links on the side there, cause they're all good.

Posted by jenni at January 25, 2005 11:22 AM