June 04, 2004

Excitement and hunger

Both are growing in my belly.

Today I found out that the film festival website has listed some of the movies it's going to play...Squeeeee!

I am already excited about some of the movies including Fahrenheit 9/11 and Coffee and Cigarettes. Reading through there are some others that look very cool, including A World without Women and Evil.

Film festival brochures aren't out til June 22nd though, so no solid plans can yet be made.

Plans for the long weekend: Going to the craft fair with my sister tomorrow morning and a lot of sleeping and reading.

I am looking forward to it.

It was great to get such varied and impassioned responses to yesterday's entry. You all have valid points of view and have made me think a bit deeper.
I love my readers!

Posted by jenni at June 4, 2004 03:14 PM