May 02, 2006

Canterbury Tales

So yesterday we went on an adventure to Canterbury.

Of course we had to undertake the compulsory running across London, leaping from tube to tube, train-catching madness that has become such a feature of these bank holiday excursions. We made it to Victoria in 35 minutes and jumped on the train with no minutes to spare. Transport for London=0, Us=1. Yay.

We visited Canterbury Cathedral, which was lovely and full of helpful guides ready to recount the history of the place. They were especially keen to tell the story of the murder of Thomas Becket in all its gory detail. Okay okay, maybe I was especially keen to hear. Four knights chased him into the church and chopped his head off, doncha know.

Then followed a slightly less memorable expedition to a reconstruction of some of the Canterbury Tales. I definitely felt gypped about paying £7.25 for that...

My personal highlight of the day was seeing a grey friar in the gardens of Greyfriars. He really looked just like this.
The gardens were almost suspiciously green and quiet (and locked). When I looked again he was gone. I'm still not convinced it wasn't a group hallucination.

Posted by eithne at May 2, 2006 10:51 PM | TrackBack