November 03, 2003

Friday theme: Recipe

As suggested by Carla, and she elaborated that this shouldn't necessarily be a food recipe, but could be for anything.

Anyone is, of course, welcome to play. If you're gonna, please trackback to this entry by pasting the following URL into the 'URLs to Ping' field in Movable Type:

(If you can't see the 'URLs to Ping' field, save what you're doing, click the Customize the display of this page link at the bottom of your editing screen, and click the 'URLs to Ping' checkbox, and Save.)

Posted by iona at November 3, 2003 08:28 AM

That is soo weird. I just posted a recipe, and I haddn't even read this yet.
OOoooh. Spooky.

Posted by: Siobhann at November 5, 2003 10:03 AM