October 10, 2007

Jobless, not hopeless

Ok, so when I quit my job last year, I thought I'd have some work but not heaps. I thought I'd have time for tidying, cooking, gardening, sewing, studying... basically all the things that don't get done much in a house of full-time workers with slacker hobbies, but I have worked... lots!

Currently, not so much. I'm looking for some work now to carry me through to next year, but not too far beyond as Beau and I plan to go on OE.

It took me much of a day preparing my CV (yesterday) and today I missioned over to Beau's parent's house and printed it off (we *so* need a printer) and then to a recruitment agency for temp testing.

I was pretty pleased with my results. My typing speed was tested at 60wpm with 100% accuracy! Boo-yah! I suspect normally more like 57 and 97%, but whatever. Other testing also went well.

I already have some work lined up next week and the week after (from last term) but hopefully will have a longish term assignment sorted out after that.

Feeling positive.

Point of Fashion: Hireable
Current Obsession: Hireable

Posted by giffy at 10:35 PM | Comments (1451) | TrackBack

October 03, 2007


I've been shrinking into myself. It's been happening for over a month. A slowish process that involves me loosening (not severing) the ties that bind.

I recall this happening once before, 10 years ago. When I finished highschool and prepared to move to a new place, make new friends, start a 'new' life.

It's happening again.

Posted by giffy at 07:50 PM | Comments (4)